When V.L. Smithers developed the first water-absorbing foam in 1954, something quite revolutionary happened. Not for everyone, but for florists. They were finally able to rewater Fresh Flower workpieces and prolong their flowers‘ lives.
In 2007, the Smithers-Oasis Company acquired Floralife, Inc., which is headquartered in Walterboro, South Carolina, USA. At the time of the acquisition, the company Floralife, founded in 1938, had already had 75 years of experience in the fields of flower care and treatment. Floralife serves the needs of customers from all along the entire chain of distribution – from breeders to end consumers. Therefore, they offer products from a large variety of fields: pretreatment of fresh flowers, products for improving the water absorption during transport and storage and products for the supply of nutrients.
Smithers-Oasis has been active in Germany since 1969. You can find Smithers-Oasis Germany GmbH in Grünstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate. Apart from Germany, the majority of European countries receives their supplies from this location. These countries include Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and others.
Our company sets great value upon supporting and promoting the floricultural sector. We also strongly care about youth development. For that reason, it is an absolute must for us to sponsor Colleges and Master Schools of Floristics, to attend Specialist Events and to cooperate with non-profit Research Institutes of Floriculture. Moreover, we closely cooperate with our customers when developing products. This makes it possible for us to meet all of our customers‘ needs. With the help of florists, there are now many training programs for florists to familiarize them with new possibilities in our everchanging society.
By now, Smithers-Oasis assists florists all over the world. We are continuously creating innovative and creative high-quality OASIS® FLORAL PRODUCTS to keep on simplifying your everyday work